ENEL GREEN POWER Innovation Hub in Catania

Near Catania the laboratory of ENEL GREEN POWER  dedicated to solar energy has haedquarters, one of the most advanced in the world to which startups and research SMEs collaborate.

In 2008 LSI LASTEM installed a complex solar radiation monitoring system that returns data available in real time on a dedicated website. Even today, after 10 years, LSI LASTEM takes care of the annual maintenance to ensure the best data quality.

This is a weather station complete with anemometer, rain gauge, thermohygrometer and an evaporimetric tank. Within the area dedicated to the measurement of radiometry, there are three other systems for measuring radiation: a system consists of a solar tracker equipped with two radiometers for the measurement of the diffused and direct component and therefore of the global, a second system it is composed of an occultation sub-band radiometer and the last system measures the UVa and UVB components on the horizontal plane and the global radiation inclined on 90 °, 45 ° and 180 ° planes.

The collected data are available to the laboratory technicians in real time to a dedicated web address and are used for monitoring the different experimental solar energy systems.